Welcome to zooq

zooq is building a Metaverse platform complete with the economy, real-world simulation, money supply, exchanges and marketplaces

Metaverse Platform

Spin your own Metaverse

All we need a well defined constitution, set of rules and incentive systems. Our expert developer team will sping up a Metaverse within a few weeks, ready to be populated.

Virtual Reality Development

Create immersive VR experiences for training, simulations, and entertainment, designed with your audience in mind.

Metaverse Integration

Seamless integration of your business into the Metaverse, opening new avenues for interaction, commerce, and community building.

Blockchain Solutions

All Events on the Metaverse will be recorded on a Blockchain. You can choose the ledger to be public, private or a hybrid to ensure security, transparency, and efficiency with customized blockchain technology for your Metaverse.

Generative AI and LLMs

Several artifacts of the Metaverse will be generated by AI, including characters, avatars, dialogues. Other AI systems will be used for Trust & Safety, Moderation and Filtering

Our Journey

Our Innovators

Team Member

Julian Roshan - CEO

20+ Years of experience in buidling large scale systems. Leading Zooq with a vision to merge AI with Metaverse experiences.

Team Member

Aarv Roshan - CTO

Hands on Developer & Blockchain specialist

Client Testimonials

"Sportsverse is the future of sport breaking the shackles of propietery/copyrighted legacy sports "

- Alex Johnson - Cricket Fan

"Incredible UI and fast response to gameplays. Very addictive"

- Rakesh R

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